Berlin Economic Forum 2017
"Innovative Nation Branding: Sustainable Economies, Tourism & Responsible Foreign Investments"
(Berlin; May 9th - 12th, 2017)
Forum Agenda
Thursday, March 9th, 2017 | |
09:15 | Registrations, Morning Coffee, Tea and Refreshments |
10:00 | Welcome Words President Emil Constantinescu (Former President of Romania) |
10:30 | MALTA CASE STUDY Keynote Speech Paul Bugeja (CEO, Malta Tourism Authority) |
11:00 | GERMANY CASE STUDY “Innovative Nation Branding: Germany - Land of Ideas” Presentation Anke Müller (Project management, “Germany - Land of Ideas” Place-Branding Initiative) |
11:30 | MOROCCO CASE STUDY Keynote Speeches, followed by Lunch Reception with Moroccan delights Keynote Speech Tarik Sadik (Director of Strategy and Cooperation, Ministry of Tourism Kingdom of Morocco) Keynote Speech Khalid Lahsaini (Minister Counsellor, Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco) |
12:30 | Morocco Lunch Reception with Moroccan delights |
14:00 | UGANDA CASE STUDY Keynote speech, followed by Cultural Performance, and Reception with Ugandan delights, Complemented by Exhibition Keynote Speech The Hon. Minister Ephraim Kamuntu (Minister of Tourism of Uganda) |
14:30 | Cultural Performances along with Reception with Ugandan delights, complemented by Exhibition of Ugandan Cultural and Creative Industries products |
15:00 | “The Association of Danube River Municipalities “Danube”- а Model of Common Concept and Strategy for Regional Development” Keynote Speech Maria Tzankova (Executive Director of the Association of Danube River Municipalities "Danube") |
15:30 | “Innovative Nation Branding: Creative Economies, Sustainable Tourism, and Responsible Foreign Investments” Keynote Speech Patrick Torrent (Director of the Catalonia Tourism Board) |
16:00 | PAKISTAN CASE STUDY Cultural Tourism Event Documentary film, Keynote speech, followed by Reception with Pakistani Cuisine Welcome Words H.E. Amb. Jauhar Saleem (Ambassador of Pakistan to Germany) Keynote Speech Chief Minister Muhammad Barjees Tahir (Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit-Baltistan) |
18:30 | “Latin American and Eastern Europe: An Overlooked Opportunity” Presentation Joshua Rodriguez (MA graduate in Cultural Diplomacy and Global Governance, University of Siena and the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) |
19:00 | Keynote Speech Alejandro Castro (Director of Costa Rica Tourism Board) |
19:30 | Conclusion of the Day |
Friday, March 10th, 2017 | |
08:30 | Morning Coffee, Tea and Refreshments |
9:00 | Keynote Speech The Hon. Markus Meckel (MdB) (Former Foreign Minister of the German Democratic Republic, Former Member of the German Bundestag) |
9:30 | Keynote Speech The Hon. Dirk Glaesser (Director of the Programme for Sustainable Development of Tourism at United Nations World Tourism Organization) |
10:00 | “Innovations for Sustainability and social activities of Bosch” Keynote Speech Bernhard Schwager (Head Sustainability Office, Corporate Communications, Brand Management, and Sustainability, Robert Bosch GmbH) |
10:30 | “Globalisierung in der Zeitenwende” Keynote Speech The Hon. Rupert Scholz (Former Minister of Defence of Germany) |
11:00 | “Trade Wars or Open Markets” Keynote Speech Jürgen Trittin (MdB) (Member of the German Parliament; Former German Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation & Nuclear Safety) |
11:30 | “Welcome Words in Honour of President Edmund Stoiber” Keynote Speech President Emil Constantinescu (Former President of Romania) |
11:35 | “Europa im Umbruch” Keynote Speech President Edmund Stoiber (Former Minister President of Bavaria) An Interview with the Hon. Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi |
13:00 | Lunch Reception |
15:30 | Keynote Speech The Hon. Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi (7th Director-General of the World Trade Organization; Former Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)) An Interview with the Hon. Dr. Supachai Panitchpakdi |
17:00 | KYRGYZSTAN CASE STUDY Keynote Speech The Hon. Deputy Minister Azamat Djamankulov (Deputy Minister of Culture, Information and Tourism of the Kyrgyz Republic) |
17:30 | MONTENEGRO CASE STUDY “Nation Branding - Example of Montenegro” Presentation Jovo Rabrenovic (Director General, Directorate for Development of Nation Branding and for Consumer Protection in the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro) Marija Cvorovic (Head, Department for Development of Nationional Brand, Directorate for Development of Nation Branding and for Consumer Protection in the Ministry of Economy of Montenegro) |
18:00 | AFGHANISTAN CASE STUDY Keynote speeches, followed by Dinner and Cultural Performance Keynote Speech H. E. Amb. Ali Ahmad Jalali (Ambassador of Afghanistan to Germany, Former Minister of the Interior of Afghanistan) |
18:30 | Dinner and Cultural Performance |
Saturday, March 11th, 2017 | |
09:00 | Morning Coffee, Tea and Refreshments |
9:30 | “Central Banking in the New Era” Presentation Bilal Bagis (Assistant Professor at the Bingöl University of Turkey) |
10:00 | CYPRUS CASE STUDY “LIMASSOL: steps towards sustainable tourism and innovative branding” Keynote Speech Maria Stylianou Michaelidou (Manager, Limassol Tourism Board) |
10:30 | “Regional Growth through Joint Initiatives in Economic Growth Tourism and Joint Investment” Keynote Speech Nondas Cl. Metaxas (Director General - CEO, Cyprus Stock Exchange) |
11:00 | Keynote Speech Philipp Lengsfeld (MdB) (Member of the German Parliament) |
11:30 | Keynote Speech Hon. Gert Weisskirchen (Former Senior Member of the German Parliament) |
12:00 | Keynote Speech Tiaan Bazuin (Chief Executive Officer, Namibian Stock Exchange) |
12:30 | “Investing into Indigenous Experiences for a More Human and Conscious Tourism” Keynote Speech Aurélie Debusschère (CEO, Native Immersion) |
13:00 | ESTONIA CASE STUDY The Good Country Guide: e-Estonia - A Digital Society Presentation Bruno Farace (MA graduate in Cultural Diplomacy and Global Governance, University of Siena and the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) Keynote Speech Kristiina Omri (Diplomat in Economic Affairs, Embassy of Estonia to Germany) |
13:30 | Lunch Break |
15:00 | GUINEA BISSAU CASE STUDY Keynote Speech The Hon. Minister Fernando Vaz (Minister of Tourism and Crafts of Guinea-Bissau) SUSTAINABLE TOURISM THROUGH ECOTOURISM IN GUINEA Keynote Speech The Hon. Rui Duarte Barros (Former Prime minister, Guinea Bissau) |
15:30 | “Economic Development, Conflicts and History” Keynote Speech The Hon. Erkki Tuomioja (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Finland) |
16:30 | “Invest in the USA after Trump” President Emil Constantinescu |
17:30 | Keynote Speech Amb. Dietrich von Kyaw (Former German Ambassador to the European Union) |
18:00 | URUGUAY CASE STUDY Keynote Speech |
18:30 | HONDURAS CASE STUDY Keynote Speech H. E. Amb. Ramón Custodio Espinoza (Ambassador of Honduras to Germany) |
19:00 | "Nation Branding: Scotland's Competitive Identity” Presentation Prof. Jürgen Kamm (Professor of English Literature and Cultures, Universität Passau) |
19:00 | Conclusion of the Day |
Sunday, March 12th, 2017 | |
10:30 | Morning Coffee, Tea and Refreshments |
11:00 | “A Disenfranchised Response to Globalism: The Communicative Practices of ISIS for Recruitment and Power” Presentation Cody Bijou (Researcher, Political Science, the University of Arkansas - Monticello) |
11:30 | “The New Golden Age: Arts and Culture as a Growth Engine” Presentation Christian Have (Public Debater, Author; the Creative Director of “Have Communications”) |
12:00 | "The tension between sustainable developments, host State interests and investor demands under international law" Presentation Bernhard Maier (Attorney-at-law admitted with the Supreme Court of New York, Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, Associate, DLA Piper) |
12:30 | Conclusion Words |
13:00 | Optional Excursion: Visiting the ITB |